Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New road

         In these years the number of cars has increasing very quickly.  This caused the UAE to build many new roads.  In this essay I am going to write about how roads are built. 

          First, you must count the number of cars using existing roads in area to know how many road we will need.  Second, after we know about how many route we need plan the rout of new route.  Another step is that submit plan for approval to relevant authorities.  After that clean route of houses, tresses and flatten ground.  Yet another step is that putting down thick layers of concert and we must completing the top surface of road.  The author step is that we should put the lane marks, road signs and traffic. Signels  night. 

In conclusion, I think the new road will help people to drive more safely without many accidents. Also on my opinion this is a good idea to improve our transport.   

1 comment:

  1. Omar:

    Your blog looks good, with some minor usage errors. The added pictures to your blog to make it attractive, and use the same style, fonts/ typefaces in all your posts.
    Good work!

    THe Fox
